Book Club Registration!


Greetings, controversial readers!

This is Jack Cuison with a very special announcement regarding our book club! As you may or may not have known, the Controversial Book Club is, well, a book club! This means that every month we will be reading books together and discussing them along the way. Now, I know most of you can probably read a book in less than a month, but I’m also sure some of you don’t have time to take part in a weekly book reading, so we’ve decided to spread it out a bit.

Also, part of us being a controversial book club is that the books we read will be controversial. Not in the sense that some people don’t agree with the messages or beliefs within the books we read, but that you may have to step out of your comfort zone and dive into a new genre that you don’t usually read. I expect there to be a few arguments during our weekly book discussions.

Book Club Requirements

Before I explain how the monthly book reading will work, here are a few requirements that may prevent you from joining (please email us if they do):

  1. Your parents must approve — we don’t want you joining if your parents aren’t comfortable with you chatting online besides on the blog. The Bible tells us to honor our mother and father; we do NOT want to tempt you into disobeying your parents and the Word of God.

  2. You must be a Google user — we apologize if this is inconvenient because I know many of you might not use or trust Google. But our book discussions and chapter assignments will all take place on a Google website called, which requires a Gmail account. Again, utmost apologies if this is inconvenient.

  3. This will take up some time in your week — our discussions will take place in designated windows on Mondays and Fridays (times to be announced). If you do not have at least one hour free in the afternoon on these days, you may not be able to participate in our group discussions. However, in the registration form, you will be able to select a window that works for you so we will know what time is best for the majority.

  4. You must be between the ages of 13 and 18 — we know most of you are teenagers, but some of the books we will possibly read might not be suitable for children and there will be no adults participating (but your parents may oversee everything) due to safety issues. This means if you wanted to invite your little brother or your 22-year-old cousin, they will not be allowed to join. Again, we apologize if this is inconvenient.

  5. At least 10 people must join — if only four people register for the book club, we will not be hosting group discussions because we want controversy and enjoyable conversations for our monthly book clubs. So, make sure to invite as many people as possible. Perhaps your teen siblings or friends may enjoy our reading. So invite them! As the old saying goes: the more, the merrier [conversations and book discussions!].

Basic Overview

We don’t know how long this book club will go on for, so this month will be a sort of a test run. But here’s basically how everything will go:

  • Registration will open today and close on February 2.

  • On February 3, a vote will be held on which book to read this month. (Note: the books we vote on will be based on the suggestions from the registration form.)

  • On February 5, the first chapter assignments will be posted, and on that Friday, February 9, our first book discussion will be held.

  • Throughout the month, chapter assignments will be posted on Sundays with book discussions held on Fridays.

  • By Wednesday the 28, we will hold our final group discussion. Then, the Google group will be locked at the conclusion post will be published on the blog. (Note: Registration for next month’s book reading will not be immediately posted. So subscribe to our email list to receive notifications every time we post and stay tuned!)

So, yeah. That’s how this is all going to work more or less. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to send a message using the contact form in the sidebar. Now, without further ado, the registration form: (I have decided not to integrate the form into this post to prevent sizing complications.)

Well, that’s our book club! We would greatly appreciate it if you could join us; we believe it will be a fun experience and a way to connect with more young teen writers like yourselves. Again, contact us if you need any help. Remember to follow this blog in the sidebar and subscribe to our email list! Thank you for reading and supporting this blog!

Have a blessed day!

Jack Cuison

Image copyright © 2024 by the Controversial Book Club. All rights reserved.


  1. I AM SO EXCITED AYYYYY (inviting my bff!)

  2. I’m on my phone so I’m not able to sign in for the comments. But if you are also on a phone the bullet points will look a little wonky. Sorry about that! This blog is made for computers tho


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