That's a lovely Sip - Daily Controversy #29

 Welcome back to the Controversial Blog

My name is Keona and I’ll be bringing today’s controversy. 

Today’s question is a harder question for teens to answer, but I’d love to see your take on it. The question is:  

Can Christians drink?

For those of you who don’t understand the question, by drink I mean Alcohol, not juice or water or things like that. 

(Please keep in mind I am not suggesting that minors should drink)

Let’s consider a few things before we jump into this. To start off I’m going to quote some Scriptures. 


“Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise” Proverbs 20:1

“Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags.” Proverbs 23:20-21

“And do not get drunk with wine, for that us debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit” Ephesians 5:18


“No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.” 1 Timothy 5:23

“Go eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.” Ecclesiastes 9:7

My Opinion:

As you can see there are quite a few Scriptures that could be seen to help both sides of the argument. This could be seen as Scripture contradicting itself, but if you look closely you will find that they don’t. The Scriptures that could be seen as against alcohol don’t go against it directly, instead they remind us, as in all things, to not become overally attached. Do not over indulge. The Scriptures that could be seen as for alcohol, remind you not to over induldge, in many cases it is ok to drink alcohol. It becomes not ok when we overindulge. I think this last verse sums it all up nicely. 

“So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Hope to see you again on Monday! 

--- Keona Cox 💙


  1. This is definitely a hotly debated topic. The truth is the answer to Can Christians Drink? Is yes. God never tells us we can't, and many people in the Bible, including Jesus, drank wine. However, the Bible warns many times against getting drunk. So I would say that even though it is ok for Christians to drink, it is not the best idea for them to do so. Wine in the Bible was different than what we have today. They watered it down a lot, or rather, they used it to "purify" their drinking water (the water they got from natural sources wasn't the best). Today, however, we have the ability to purify our water without alcohol. Alcohol is pretty addictive and the Bible says being drunk is a sin. If you never start drinking alcohol, you can't get addicted or drunk. That would be impossible. Besides that, alcohol can cause health issues like sclerosis of the liver, even if it's only in small amounts. So yeah, although it is ok to drink, it probably isn't the best idea to do so.

    1. Ya know...I definitely agree with you Mel...ur 100% correct...imo...anyway...

  2. Hmmm… I’ve always told myself that when I’m older I won’t drink for leisure. Of course for communion I will but for my own pleasure I hope to stay away from it. I don’t think drinking in itself is necessarily bad. It’s the overindulgence of it. Getting addicted and constantly consuming the drink. See that is a sin. You are idolizing the drink over everything else. Including God.

  3. i think yes...mostly as long as it doesnt become an addiction than your fine...aslo (i forget where) but in the bible paul talks about not being a stumbling block for other believers (so ie if your brother or sister in christ is stuglaing with addiction don tdrink in their presence) honsetly when i grow up and can drink i probably wont just bc i doubt ill like any drinks anyway lol (pardon spelling)

    1. I agree with literally everything you just said--I also plan not to drink lol

    2. not me and jo having the same chaotic brains

    3. bro imagine never having consumed alcohol and still being drunk (JK im just crazy)

    4. You don't have to imagine Jo... (;

    5. Everyone reading this is gonna wonder what in the world we're talking about lol

    6. huh wait wha sorry i just woke up from this craaazy fever dream i was locked in a therapy room with a psychopath and a sociopath and we were gambling (for those who dont have context, im kidding)

    7. I was the caffeine-high gambling addict who drank all the tea, DUH

    8. OH YEAH AND YOU GUYS WERE THE VOICES IN MY HEAD! Jack was the one telling me to simultaneously combust. so I did, and then i woke up :OO

    9. Jo, you are too much… 🤣🤣 I am dying laughing over here and remembering the earlier conversation in February about the beer bread.

    10. “bro imagine never having consumed alcohol and still being drunk”…. I can…. I’ve been there… kinda…I have multiple stages of tiredness… and ummm…one of them I-i basically act drunk… no joke. It’s hilarious and so weird for whoever is around me at that time…. 😂

    11. NGL….as one of Ali’s friends when ever we hang out towards the end I think we are both a bit….uh(what’s the word?) LOOPY? Idk, but I can totally vouch for her being “drunk” 😂


    13. What the what is going on?!

    14. It is biologically and psychologically impossible to get drunk without alcohol.

    15. if you're me its TOTALLYYY possible dudeeeee (as for 'whats going on,' its an inside joke, lol) *hiccups*

    16. I don't want to brag, but I am very intelligent in pscyhology and biology, so *cough* i'm not sure I agree lol

    17. Studies in psychology and biology show that for young people especially, sleep deprivation has the same effects as being drunk on the brain: although you may have symptoms of being drunk, it’s more likely that you are suffering from sleep deprivation (i.e., hyper-tiredness). In fact, there is a very interesting fact: when you have gone without sleep for 17 hours, IT HAS THE SAME EFFECT ON THE BODY AS HAVING .05% OF ALCOHOL IN THE BLOOD STREAM (Farmer, 2016). So no wonder people might think you’re drunk.


      Farmer, L. (2016, April 8). Tiber + sober but feel like you’re drunk? Here’s why. Women’sHealth. Accessed March 18, 2024, from

    18. fun fact, one of my characters has insomnia so I did some research about sleep deprivation and I already knew that--not to mention I am lowkey 'infamous' in my family for being silly late at night :P
      but, like I said, this entire thread is mostly made up of inside jokes that no one outside THE CULT (jkjkjk) knows lol

    19. Jo: Heidvwoshdvxosbdowvxoebxiebsisndkdow

      I cant focus on school that's why I'm on the blog
      hiccups (jk)

    21. Melody have you had, um, a few too many?

    22. Melody has consumed -55 too many, and the absolute value of -55 is in fact 55, so YES she has had WAYYYYY to many ;)

    23. Okay, but you're using absolute values incorrectly.

    24. (I know that's not how absolute value works, don't worry :sweat:) srs tho if mel has consumed negative fifty-five cans of beer, then that means she has vomited 55 cans of beer out of her system. In order for that to happen she had to have consumed 55 cans of beer in the first place.
      But, because Mel is a gaslight gatekeep girlboss out to preserve her rep, she frames the drunk stereotype on the innocent bystander. me.
      I AM A VICTIM!!! (jk)

    25. Well you would know better than I do since both of you are authors or leaders or whetver on this blog and probably interact over zoom or whatever, so you probably no her better than me. But I thought she was nice.

    26. we don't really call each other, we just stalk each other. Whenever I hear someone lurking in my backyard at night I just think to myself "heh yep, probably a fellow asylum inmate"
      (hhhh I'm just saying I am joking. this entire thread has been me joking, nothing I have said here as far as I am aware- for the record Mel is probably the nicest grape in the bunch)

    27. well this has been a great argument or whatever, but I must finish writing my psychological developmental essay on the socio-emotional and cognitive developmental displays of young adults. Just cuz I'm in college early than most don't mean I can get out of the school work 🤢

    28. ayooo fellow college student! (I'm taking a few classes at a college next year lolol)
      LOL AT THIS POINT YOU COULD PROBABLY CITE ME AS A PRIME EXAMPLE OF some random strain of insanity :screeeeeeeem:

    29. I'll almost have my AA after this year. I want to go to the military academy at west point, but i'm probably too stupid.

    30. yall are so entertaining *munches popcorn*

    31. Ken: But my GPA is only 3.9 and ACT is only 23 😭And you have to have at least GPA 3.9 and ACT 27.

    32. Maybe John Hopkins or the Naval Academy, or....or....

    33. Just because you don't quite have a high enough score... that's still above average

    34. (not me sitting over here with a 4.0 and 35........)

    35. I love that you had to answer for him XDXDXDXDXDXD
      But here's something that I'm NOT kidding about: when my sister was eleven she got a 35 on the ACT, has always maintained a 4.0, and went to college when she was 14. She’s graudating when she’s 19 with honest with a dual degree in Math and Chemistry.

    36. She went to college when she was 14?!!! Bri, your sister was a special case, don't compare yourself to her. In fact don't compare yourself to anyone. You are special and smart, and you might not be in the top 99th percentile, but you are still really smart. Also, yeah, Jack, probably wouldn't have been able to respond for a while so I responded for him.

    37. thx :) It's super important for all of us to remember that we are special in God's eyes because he created us, not because of what we can achieve. True greatness comes from following the Bible, not about how good a resume we have. I work hard on school, and that's what matters.
      But I was very happy when I took the ASVAB for the military that I got a 93 a year ago! That was a big successes, making the 92th percentile! The only reason that matters to me is cuz I can do whatever I want in the military basically.

    38. "eleven she got a 35 on the ACT, has always maintained a 4.0, and went to college when she was 14..." that's literally me......

    39. I happen to remember u saying that you aren't even in highschool.

    40. well.......i will take act next year and i do have a consistent 4.0 so......

    41. I honestly don't know what to believe anymore, Cuison, I really don't.
      But if you truly are an ENFJ like me, good news: ENFJs are smart substances. There's a reason they’re the second-rarest personality type (just after INFJ). The world truly needs more ENFJs.😞

    42. uh...for clarification i was joking abt the act thingy but i do have a 4.0 and one's personality doesn't determine one's intelligence for the record

    43. i know you were jokin', and yes i was joking about the personality thing. persaonlity type doesn't determine intelligence, but it was hillarious finding articles that say it does determine. So yes i agree. whatever you do, personality is the worse form of intelligence indicator, and honestly, so is IQ.

    44. but if personality did determine intelligence, i'm sure we enfj's would be the smartest ;P

    45. Yes, we ENFJs do think alike. After all, three presidents (including Obama and Biden) were ENFJ. Whoever wrote this article and ranked ENFJ as the 10th smartest personality type was lying:

    46. uh, the offensive and honestly tragic is being the same personality type as obama and biden 😭

    47. hold on are you an enfj-a or enfj-t?

    48. same!! i'm 80% turbulent😭

    49. it does seem to get me in trouble... lol

    50. What's your Extravert score? I took multiple tests and got between 91% and 100%

    51. i'm 53% lol but it makes sense since sometimes i'm very introverted (i'm honestly more of an introverted extrovert...)

    52. i know what you mean! I'm occassionally an intro-extrovert. I have always wanted to be an introvert and have tried really hard, but it doesn't work, so i decided to stick with god's destiny for me. When I'm in intro mode people think I'm the cutest little sweet heart, but I laugh because usually I'm not introvert.

    53. But I really have to work on lessening my turbulence cuz the drill sergeatns at boot camp aren't going to like it. :D

    54. ok we're getting a little off topic now...

    55. me being an entp (who is almost introverted)

      but like dangggg entps have the funniest stereotypes and I love it XD

    56. Jack: yeah, I don't know how we started talking personality when we were talking about alcohol....whatever, have a great day.
      P.S. It is too wierd that we are this similar.

    57. Yes, ENTP is SO crazy. Like how is someone both Thinking and Perceiving? Those clash in my opinion.

    58. Jack she said ENTP not ENFP


    60. yes, i thought same thing. let's go back to our school.

    61. I mostly am, but I have to read an hour a day, so that's it for me. I'm trying to get ahead on my school because my birthday is in exactly 1 week. and don't want school on it.

    62. Well good bye officially and hope you can find someone else to talk with
      *peace out*

    63. I don't think you understand, Jack.

      There is no separation/difference between ENTPs and drunkenness. We're just plain drunk all along

    64. o my word 😳So this is you Jo:🥴?


    66. 😳Bewildered. 😳

    67. Bri: don't worry, half the time I'm just as bewildered as u.

    68. Jo: Thanks for tarnishing and then repairing my reputation 😆

    69. you are most welcome my fine fellow

    70. bri, jsyk, i just checked and i am also 83% turbulent. (

    71. Jack, that's...that's weird.

    72. actually that's the same site I used to find my turbluence.

  4. Yes, Christians can drink, but they should not get drunk. In fact, I help my father in his vineyard for grape wine, and I love helping! However, I plan to refrain from alcohol for various personal reasons, so I won’t drink as an adult. My biological family were alcoholics, and I realize that I am prone to addicting situations; for example, as a young kid, I was addicted to video games. Thank goodness I no longer am! A person’s level of ability to be addicted to anything is often genetic. Since my bio family got easily addicted, and alcohol is also generally unhealthy (even in small amounts), I won’t drink it.
    This isn’t to say I don’t think others should, it’s just I don’t want to put myself in the path of danger.

  5. YES. just obviously not underage

  6. Well...I do not believe Christians should drink...we should remember...that when the bible was written...juice was referred to as wine and fermented wine was a days when we say "wine" we think of fermented wine...the type you can get drunk with...back'd drink fermented wine to "get drunk" from the says not to get drunk...i.e. don't drink fermented wine...while drinking unfermented wine was fine...cuz it was juice...not to mention...the Bible says "wine" not "beer" and other such alcohol...

    On another note...Christians should be careful...because there are certain ppl who were alcoholics who became sober after coming to Christ(for father...) and seeing other Christians drink...or them offering them drinks can cause them to get confused and/or stumble...the Bible also says "It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble." Romans 14:21...It's interesting that wine is also mentioned here...

  7. Well, I am quite late to this discussion. (iykyk) But my opinion is practically identical to the comment I made on the tattoos post... Again, I think it's mainly a conviction thing, outside of the very clear perimeters the Bible sets of not drinking to get drunk. Obviously, each person's situations and susceptibility to certain temptations is gonna be different. So, depending on your personal situation, guard yourself accordingly, and keep yourself as far away from the "cliff of danger and doom" as possible. But no, I'm not against alcohol as a general rule. Heck, I listen to country music XD. But, like anything else, we should do our best to approach and handle it in a Godly fashion. Just my two cents :)

  8. I believe it's conviction based, God forbids drunkenness but not the item itself. I personally don't think drinking is a good idea, it's not good for you and is expensive, I know when the time comes I most likely will not drink, but to each their own convictions.


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