AI: Is It Corrupt Thievery or Not? - Daily Controversy #6


Hello, Controversial Readers!

Hello and welcome to another post! It’s Sarah, here. I’m going to be bringing up a hot topic. Today, the controversy is…

“Is Artificial Intelligence intellectual theft and is it a good idea to use?”

Background points…

First of all, some definitions. (from

  1. Theft — The act of stealing or something stolen.

  2. Intellect — The power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will: the capacity for knowledge

  3. AI — Abbreviation of artificial intelligence.

My opinion

In my opinion, AI is not intellectual theft. It only copies humans. AI should not be credited for its “work.” Why? Because it directly copies human’s work. It “copies and pastes,” not creates its own work.

I think that AI should not be put above humans, let alone other AIs. AI cannot understand or feel remorse in any manner. It cannot be punished, therefore, it should never be put in the position of having responsibilities. I still don’t like AI. Anyway, that’s my opinion, let’s hear yours!

Happy debating!

Sarah ❤!


  1. Wow, I can't believe I'm disagreeing with my own sister- I think AI is in fact intellectual theft: because it copies others without credit, effectively plagiarism. The reason it is theft is because most people to not realize, let alone consent to their work being referenced or even borrowed by AI. Other than that I totally agree with you :)

  2. I can attest to that fact that neither me or Sarah use AI for basically anything at all lol

  3. I am sorry if I came across in an accusatory tone. I just used the word you when I should of used the word somebody. I didn't think that you or Sarah would be using AI to write.

  4. Oh, don't worry you didn't! Honestly I kinda changed my opinion to Jo's after finishing the article but didn't want to change it XD

  5. I think it's best to use AI as a research database, rather than for writing. First off, AI never comes up with anything on it's own. It's all plagiarism. Second, it's a terrible writer. If you ask it to write something, it will come out with recycled garbage.

    1. Good point! Some people in my debate club use AI to find evidence


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