Shooter Games: Right or Wrong -- Daily Controversy #3

Hey Everyone and Welcome back to the Controversial Book Club

My name is Keona and I’m the co-author filling in for Jack today. 

If you didn’t hear the sad news: Jack will not be able to post for a while. He’ll be back in February, and in the meantime, some other friends and I will be keeping his blog up and running.

Today’s Controversy will be just a little different than some of the other topics that we will bring you. Something that affects the youth of this age is Video Games. So that’s what we’ll be discussing today. 

So here’s the question: Is it okay for Christian teens and children to play video games such as Fortnight and Halo?

Now in case you don’t know what those are, Halo is a game where you find guns and are fighting the enemies. The whole point is to defeat these weird creature-like things, and you have the humans on your side. Fortnight could arguably be more appropriate since you are doing building as well as fighting, but the point of the games is basically to kill everyone else and come out on top.

My Thoughts

I'm coming from a position of watching my younger brothers play these games a lot. 

I think that it is ok to play Halo and Fortnight, but, like everything else, with the right mindset. There is a level of, this is a game, it’s not real, and we do not do this to people. However like anything else, there can be an unhealthy amount, I’ve had my siblings go through phases where the only thing they wanted to talk about was fortnight and halo. They played it in real life as well as in video games. If all you do and think about is a game where you shoot people, we’ll maybe step away from those games and take a break. On the flip side, if you rarely play video games and don’t get completely obsessed with shooting people, playing games like these can be quite fun and a great break from regular life.  

So, not really a straight answer, like everything there can be multiple answers. Anyways these are my thoughts. What about you? In the comments below please argue your case as to why these video games are or are not ok. 

Hope to see you soon, Remember to check back in for tomorrow’s posts. 

Keona Cox 💙

Pictures are from


  1. I don't play video games for these reasons:

    1. eye damage - at least wear blue-light glasses

    2. They're addictive - once you start, you can't quit. video game addiction is a real thing and they have rehabs for this

    3. violence - i've never played these games, but i know they have violence. constant violence like this can alter your mind in real life

    4. time consumption - there are so much more better things to do instead of spending hours on gaming, stuff like reading, working out, hanging out with friends, writing, and stuff like that.

    For these reasons and a few more i've forgotten, i believe that:
    IT IS NOT OKAY FOR CHRISTIANS TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES (especially like Halo and Fortnite)

    1. Joanna (cant get my google to work so i have to use the name/url feature)January 16, 2024 at 4:21 PM

      hahaa I kinda forgot about eye damage-
      Personally I think Christians CAN play video games, potentially even including shooter games. But I agree with you on your points!
      To me it depends on the game's contents: explicit violence and language? naaahh
      But since this article is talking striclty about shooter games let me get back on topic- I have friends who play Halo and Fortnite differently and they are drastically different in personality. One is borderline addicted to videogames and the other is honestly very chill and literate.

    2. Basically I'd adhere to Paul the Apostles wise words in the book of Romans: don't violate your conscience and bear with other people's "scruples" you might not agree with. (eg a Christian who believes Christians can drink alchohol agreeing to not drink in the presence of someone who is offended by drinking)

  2. I don't believe that all videogames are wrong. However, violent ones in which you are shooting things (other than targets) I would deem wrong for Christians to play. As to Jack's point on time consumption, as long as you limit yourself, videogames are ok. For example, my parents only allow us to play videogames for one maybe two hours a day. So all videogames aren't wrong, but violent ones definitely are.

    1. Yeah, I only get to play like an hour or two a day, too.

  3. Personally, I don’t play video games because my older brother is literally always playing them. I watched him grow up on his phone and always hiding in the garage on his PC and decided that I didn’t want that to be me. So, I think it depends on how important the games are you to. I mean, they might be okay to play, but you shouldn’t be putting them above God.

  4. I love how it's mostly the authors arguing lol

    1. well at least you have a buncha email subscribers besides the authors (me over here being an author be like)

  5. Video games.. I don’t play them at all. Except twice Mario kart and super Mario bros.

  6. I don’t really play video games, so… yeah. But nice post!

  7. Hey! ashley here. I think video games are fine so long as they aren’t TOO violent. If you’re killing other human beings in the game that’s a definite no. If you’re killing random creatures that are clearly evil that don’t look or act like humans I think it’s fine. I am a devoted Zelda BOTW and TOTK fan as well as Mariokart! In my opinion video games are a great way to relax and have fun but if it starts to dominate your life it’s a problem.

  8. I think they are long as we remember they aren't real...and of course aren't playing them all the time...I personally enjoy shooting games...not that I play them...ever...I played them once when I was over at a friends house...incredibly enjoyable...

    If you didn't guess from the dots...
    -Susi Hevonen(Kayla)


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