Should We Drop the E? - Controversy #9

Hey Everyone and Welcome back to the Controversial Book Club!

It’s Keona, filling in for Jack today.

Here’s the question for the day: 

Is reading a digital or physical book, better and more enjoyable? 

Now maybe you don’t know what a physical book is. In that case, go ask your mom and read one! Or maybe you don’t know what a digital book is. In that case, you’re not missing out on a whole lot, also go ask your mom what it is. But if you know what both those things are, let us know your opinion in the comments below. If you want to know my thoughts, see the next paragraph. 

What I Think

I’m going to tell you my opinion on this, if you in any way disagree with me, please state your case and try to convince me that I’m wrong.

Alrighty. This is a complicated question, and as with many other things, I do not believe that there is one wrong or right answer. I think it depends on your situation in life. For me, I really enjoy the feel of a book in my hands, I get to turn the pages, hear the rustle; it’s something I can hold so it brings me closer to the story. 

Now, despite this I still read digital books more often, there are several reasons for this. One is that with all the school and just daily life, I don’t have time to read during the day, and since I can’t always have a lamp on it’s easier to read on my phone. Another is that physical books cost more and are harder to get. Another aspect is you carry your phone around, but it’s quite hard to always carry a book. 

So, I enjoy reading a physical book, and do when I can. But sometimes it’s more practical to just read on your phone. You do have to watch out, when reading on your phone, not to become distracted by your phone. Then you won’t get any reading done, and you’ll just have wasted your time. If you notice this happening I would try reading a physical book instead of on your phone. 

Thanks for listening to me, please let us know your opinions in the comments below! 

Don’t forget to check back in daily for more controversies!

Keona Cox  💙


  1. I totally agree with you, Ken! Reading physical books is more enjoyable, but e-books are more practical (another reason why is that putting books on your phone doesn't take up physical space). However, looking at screens can cause your brain to function different than normal. So I will generally go for the physical books (also I have limited screen time,so that's another reason to go with physical).

  2. I like audiobooks, but ebooks drive me crazy- overall real books are the best. Besides, paper doesn't damage your eyes from blue light exposure (thought you do need light when you read because that can damage your eyes in a different way).


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