Tips for Staying Productive - Writing Tips


I’m back! For those of y’all who don’t know me, I’m Sarah. Today, I’m going to share some tips to help you stay focused and productive when you are trying to write. A lot of the time I am quite unfocused and unproductive when writing, and these tips have helped me.

5 Tips for staying productive while writing

  1. Use a timer — Timing yourself to see how much you can write in so many minutes. Along with that, if you want to do something else, “reward” yourself for writing for 15 or 30 minutes, take a 10-minute break to do something fun, and then go back to writing!

  2. Tell your Family — Let your family know you are trying to concentrate and write, and they will (hopefully) keep some distractions away from you, whether that is a movie, board game, or siblings.

  3. Listen to music — Listening to music is a double-edged sword; you might get too caught up in the music. I would recommend listening to classical music or Lofi, because both are calming. Classical music has been proven to boost creativity! Or, you could make a story or character playlist and listen to it. Many times I have thought of new plot ideas or character arcs because of random songs.

  4. Get a writing accountability partner or audience — One of the best ways to be motivated is by a bunch of fans screaming “WE WANT MORE!” It is challenging to get an audience, but once you do, it is worth the effort. However, you can start smaller with a writing accountability partner. Get one of your friends to ask you how much you’ve written each day or week.

  5. Find where and when you write the most— This tip is somewhat tricky. Some people write better in the morning, some write better at night. Some of y’all like writing in busy environments, others in quiet rooms. Try to find out when and where you write best. Make yourself a “little writer cozy hideout” if you like small places. Or, go to your living room or local coffee shop to write in a busy environment.  Test out where you feel the best and produce the most writing, and continuously go back to your “special place!”

(Note: some of these points were taken from Crazy Writing Week’s suggestions. Image from

Now don’t stop! Try out these tips and tell me in the comments if you liked them or if they worked! I hope you’ve enjoyed the help. Have fun and keep the hard work up!

Sarah ❤


  1. These are some great tips Sarah! Thx!
    (Also, how comfortable do you think the position in the pic?)

    1. very comfy, obviously ;)))))

    2. This was such a good article, I loved the tips!!!! And of course, the photo was hehehehhhe quite adequate.

    3. No problem! I think the tree is fit for a treehouse lol


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