Weekly Verse - Psalm 45:1

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme;

I recite my composition concerning the King;

My tongue is the pen of the ready writer.”

— Psalm 45:1 NKJV

Let's pray

Dear Lord,

You are a mighty King, and I should praise You for all You have done. Although I may not be eloquent, I may not be a poet, and I don't even know what to say, You know what is in my heart and how I stand in awe of Your amazing deeds. Please show me how to express my gratitude for all You do in my life, and help me to bring others to You so that they can glorify You too.

In Your Son's Name,


         Melody Polar  ♥️


  1. Woah! I just realized that the verse I picked for the week is actually the blog's theme verse! (Guess it goes to show I haven't read everything on the blog yet. Whoops.)


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