Amazing Grace — Weekly Devotional

 Hello Controversial Readers!

Welcome to the weekly devotional! My name is Melody Polar, and today I am bringing you a devotional about grace.

When you read the title of the devotional, a familiar hymn probably came to mind:

“Amazing grace! How sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me”!

(John Newton)

We’ve probably heard and sung the song many, many times over, but have you ever really thought about it before? Have you really ever thought about how amazing God’s grace truly is? Well, I certainly hope that this devotional will spark those thoughts in your heart and mind today.

Do you know what the word grace really means? I was probably around three or four when I first learned what it meant. I don’t remember what I had done wrong, but whatever I had done was something I normally would have gotten punished for. However, I wasn’t punished. Instead, Daddy told me he was going to show me mercy. And then he explained to me what mercy was.

He told me that mercy was when I didn’t receive a punishment that I deserved. And then he told me that God not only shows us mercy, but that He also shows us grace. He gives us something we don’t deserve, something that we as humans could never even hope to earn the right to deserve. 

God sent His own Son to die for us so that we could have eternal life! (John 3:16) And by His grace we can be saved from eternal punishment and live forever with Him! (Ephesians 2:8) This gift of grace is so amazing because we don’t deserve it, but God gave it to us anyway because He loved us! (Romans 5:8)

God’s love for us is what makes His grace so amazing! God’s grace isn't like what we see in our judicial system where a person may be pardoned from their crime because his bail was paid or because the court was swayed by public opinion. God’s grace is amazing because He gives it to us because He loves us! And that makes His grace amazing, unimaginable, and unfathomable! Praise God for His amazing grace!

Let’s Pray:


I stand amazed at the knowledge that you would show such grace to me! Thank You so much for Your amazing grace and Your amazing love! Please help me to be willing to share Your gift of grace with the world!

        In Jesus’ precious Name,


Related Verses:

2 Thessalonians 2:16

Romans 3:23-24

Romans 5:15

Related Songs:

Amazing Grace — Guy Penrod

Image: Black Cross on Top of Mountain · Free Stock Photo (



  1. There is something about the amazing love of God that science , literature, law or any of our knowledge cannot comprehend! Jesus reveals this love through His Word, through nature, and through our life experiences of feeling Him close at all times. It is my prayer that everyone can know His grace and love as we repent and let His sacrifice for our sins draw us back to Him so we can know the communion with Him that Adam and Eve knew.


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