Faithfully Yours: Debating Dating (Part 2) - Daily Controversy #20

Welcome back, controversial readers!

I’m Jack Cuison with Part 2 of Debating Dating, a controversial miniseries questioning the acceptability of teen dating. 

In the last installment of Debating Dating, we discussed whether Christian teens can date at all; if it’s acceptable and worth it. Today, we will be elaborating on that topic and discussing who we can or should date as teens with the question:

Can Christian teens date non-believers and, if so, should they?

As usual, let’s dig a little deeper into this topic before moving on.

All is Faith in Love and War

Similar to the first installment of Debating Dating, today’s topic discusses the acceptability of teen dating, only we’re going a little more specific, exploring whether dating non-believers is acceptable. On one side of this argument,  dating a non-believer is considered harmful, since disagreements will constantly pop up and disrupt the relationship. But those on the other end of the debate believe that a couple’s differences don’t disrupt the fact that love can still remain present and stable as the relationship develops. This debate greatly encourages thoughtful consideration of personal values, the teachings of Christianity, and the potential impact of relationships on one’s spiritual journey.

The Open-Hearted Romantics

Some argue that love knows no religious boundaries and that Christian teens can engage in meaningful relationships with non-believers. Advocates of this perspective highlight the potential for positive influence, believing that the power of faith can be shared and discovered even in relationships with those who don’t initially share the same beliefs. They emphasize the importance of seeing beyond religious differences, focusing on shared values, respect, and the potential for personal growth in both partners.

The Faithful Discerners

On the flip side, another perspective urges caution, emphasizing the biblical guidance to be “equally yoked.” Those who align with this viewpoint believe that sharing a common faith foundation is crucial for a harmonious and spiritually enriching relationship. They express concerns about potential conflicts arising from differing worldviews, values, and beliefs. This side of the debate encourages Christian teens to prioritize their faith in choosing a romantic partner, emphasizing that a shared spiritual journey can deepen the connection and provide a strong foundation for the relationship.

My Take on This Topic

As we navigate the dating landscape, it’s crucial to realize that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to whether Christian teens can date non-believers. While I believe in the power of love to overcome differences, I also recognize the significance of shared faith in fostering a deep, spiritually fulfilling connection. Christian teens should approach dating with open hearts, seeking God’s guidance, and engaging in honest conversations with potential partners about their beliefs and values.

So, what do you think? Tell us in the comments if you think it’s acceptable for teen believers, or any Christians in general, can or should date people who do not share their faith. State your case clearly, chat with other teen writers about today’s topic, and just have fun overall! (If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, email and any of our authors will be happy to reply!)

Happy arguing!

Jack Cuison

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  1. Can Christians be friends with unbelievers?
    When we are friends with unbelievers, we can talk with them about our faith. We can witness to them.
    Should Christians date unbelievers?
    Definitely not!
    2 Corinthians 6:14 says not to be unequally yoked with (married to) unbelievers.
    If we are not to marry unbelievers, why should we then say we can date them? Is not dating generally seen as the start of considering marriage?
    Besides that, when one person is of the Faith, and another is not, there will be problems. The world's beliefs drastically contradict the Bible. Also, imagine the heartbreak when your boy/girl friend, fiance, or spouse dies and you know that they had no saving relationship with Christ.
    Dating unbelievers is unwise because the Bible tells us not to, it places a strain on our relationship with both the person we are dating and Christ, and it will lead to disappointment and heartbreak if/when the person dies without knowing Christ.

    1. I would also suggest that y'all read all of 2 Corinthians 6 before you respond to my comment if you disagree with me

    2. girl, I 100% agree. People should only date if they're interested in marrying each other. And if the Bible says they should marry only other believers, there's no need to waste time dating someone you ain't marrying. And if that person still wants to date or marry the unbeliever, they need to consider if the person they like is there idol in their heart and more important to them than God.

  2. I believe that Christian’s should not date nonbelievers. But I really can’t say anymore than what Mel already said. I agree with her.

  3. NO WAY! King Solomon when he married tons of girls from pagen religions turned his heart away from God. Two people can't have a happy marriage if they are leading lives in different direction--one towards hell and one towards heaven. That's why I've vowed when I was 14 never to date ANYONE until I'm 100% sure they're a Christian and not to kiss a boy until I'm engaged, and I'm still committed to it.

  4. I think that Christians should not date unbelievers because I think they would be constantly arguing and fighting. But I feel like you like somebody that is not a Christian it is your job to tell them about Jesus, so when it becomes serious, therorectically the person would be a Christian or at least be on the path way. And I say therorectically because that might not always work or happen.


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