I Have an Announcement...

Greetings, loyal readers and arguers!

As you can tell from this post’s title, I have an announcement to make. Now, it’s nothing major or anything to freak out over, but it will alter the way this blog works to some degree from here on out.

First off, I’d like to address that this blog has been going on for almost a month. Next week, our twentieth Daily Controversy will be posted. And I’d like to thank all of you for reading our posts, participating in the controversies, and supporting us as we grow and move this blog forward.

However, we’ve already lost an author because our weekly post deadlines and requirements have just been too much. And I will admit, it’s hard to squeeze out a Daily Controversy thrice a week and just receive a couple comments. Not to mention the emails I send out daily.

So, here’s what I have to say…

We will no longer be posting a Daily Controversy every day. 

Yes, this kind of defeats the post’s titles. However, it’s been a lot to balance out my blog post deadlines with school, sports, and everyday life; and I’m sure my fellow authors would agree.

Now, we will still be posting Daily Controversies. But I feel like, lately, we’ve been pushing quantity over quality. We’ve turned Let’s make a relatable, thought-provoking argument our readers will appreciate and consider into We’ve got to make a Daily Controversy today. Who cares what it’s about? Let’s just do it. 

For these reasons, our Daily Controversies will only be posted on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. So, this is how our weeks are going to look like from now on:

  • Sunday: Verse of the Week

  • Monday: Daily Controversy

  • Tuesday: Daily Controversy

  • Wednesday: Weekly Devotional

  • Thursday: Writing Tips article/other posts

  • Friday: Daily Controversy

  • Saturday: Exodus 20:8-11

So, yes, we will be posting mostly every day. However, our Daily Controversies will be limited (for us authors, anyway; about one post a week), which will help us type up good quality arguments that y’all can enjoy and argue about. And, if you don’t like arguing, we’d still appreciate it if you simply tell us if you agree or disagree with our opinions or even state your case and leave before anyone tries to debate.

Again, we appreciate every single one of you. Thank you for supporting us as we go on this journey. Make sure to spread the word about this blog to other young writers out there (we’re still working on publicizing this website) and, obviously you don’t have to, but we’d love to have you follow our blog and subscribe to our email list. For, normally, a bigger group of followers attracts a bigger audience, or so the internet has proven.

So, I hope you guys are fine with this announcement. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions. And I hope to see y’all later on our Daily Controversies!

Have a blessed day!

Jack Cuison

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash


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