Paws or Claws? - Daily Controversy #23

 Hello readers, and TGIF!

(FYI: TGIF means Thank God It’s Friday 😀) Welcome readers, to another heated–albeit frivolous–debate.  I'm Joanna and this time we are tackling an age-old topic that has haunted mankind for millennia…

Ever since their introduction to society as pets, they have been the subject of countless arguments.  Some assert one is better, others disagree, and some go too far and claim that both are a menace to society as a whole.  Let’s dive right in!

Cats or dogs?


To clarify, I mean domesticated cats that are not outlawed in the US.

The pros — cats have been known to be extremely caring pets despite being surrounded by standoffish stereotypes, and have also been known for saving their owners’ lives.  

1. They’re extremely fluffy and beautiful, and there are hypoallergenic cats.  They’re also low maintenance.

2. They’re better for working people.


✵ ✵ ✵

The cons — They are, quite simply, horrific to the environment.  Domestic/stray cats hunt down birds, bats, and fish and in some cases drive them to extinction.  It is for this reason that we have necessary programs like TNR, or Trap Neuter Release which prevent cats from reproducing.

1. Their poop is toxic.  I’m not joking.  Not gonna elaborate further.

2. The stereotypes are true a lot of the time.  Also, cats can/will attack you.

3. They are loud.

4. Sometimes people lace their yards with poison because they don’t like cats crossing them so they literally might kill someone’s pet cat.  If you let your cat outdoors you’re going to have to take that risk.  Also if you have a black cat you better pray it doesn’t meet some superstitious sicko who decides to try to kill it.


I specifically mean domesticated conventional dogs, not pet coyotes or something.

The pros — dogs have a reputation for being brave and loyal for good reason!  Just look up ‘dog saves owner’s life’ and you can find countless stories.

1. They’re playful and bond with their owners quite well.  Dogs make great family pets!

2. Walking your dog doesn’t just keep your pet healthy–it keeps you healthy!

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The cons — they also have some pretty bad environmental impacts.  

1. When they poop, their poop doesn’t decompose like other animal’s poop.  Instead, it can often seep into water supplies like rivers, lakes, and aquifers.

2. Also, the production of dog food is bad for the environment

3. Here, we get a little bit serious.  Dog attacks are a very real threat- if I remember correctly dogs in the US kill more people than sharks do worldwide.  Always carry pepper spray/baseball bat when you walk outside, and a gun as well, if possible.

My opinion

I’m actually neutral when it comes to this debate.  I love dogs and cats just the same!  That was anticlimactic, I know XD

Time for me to pop the popcorn as I watch y’all wage wars in the comments!

Joanna ❤

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  1. Yea… I ain’t got nothing to say here… I love both equally.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Some dogs like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are really nice and won't attack you. They're just small, harmless lap dogs.

  3. Cats are weird and unpredictable.

    1. my cats are too predictable. in my opinion.

  4. Yeah, I'm with Ali on this one: I love them both. However, as I am allergic to cats, I have to say that I will probably only ever own dogs lol.

    1. yep, pet allergies are the worst *sobbing*

    2. it seems like everyone I know is allergic to cats :D

  5. I loooooooove dogs WAAAAAAAY more because they're friendlier. My family has three cats , two dogs. But cats may be better as a firist pet because they don't need as much supervision.

    1. Honestly it depends on the cat. While some, maybe most cats aren’t the friendliest we had a cat a couple years back who was the sweetest guy ever. He would cuddle and purr and was very friendly.

    2. I like boy cats/dogs more than girl

  6. Anyway, dolphins are my favorite animal.

  7. Well, I'm allergic to both cats and dogs, but more severely to cats. Having had both cats and dogs, it's safe for me to say that owning dogs are more enjoyable. They're good running buddies and can do funny tricks. They're cuter (just my opinion; don't attack me). Also...I don't know, I've just always loved dogs better. I can't tell one cat breed or whatever from another, but there are so many breeds of dogs, all very cute. Finally, I find hairless and Persian cats creepy. Peterbalds are just the last straw for me.

  8. Cats are too annoying with their attitudes! However, dogs are loyal and get attached to their families! Who doesn't love a good, loyal dog!

    1. very true. cats look down upon humans while dogs look up to us. they are truly (hu)man's best friend

    2. I like dogs better too Jack. My family is training a service dog for my sister who has PROFOUND epilepsy. She's almost died multiple times. So in my sis’s case, it’s actually a (fe)male’s best friend. lol

  9. guys this debate was for me..........(dont ask) we all should know by now that i love cats like my children (i dont have cats or children) cats are just more well amazing and cool and when i want them to leave me alone they leave me alone. dogs on the other hand are always wantting love from me which i dont have time to give.... so unless your algeric to cats go save your life by getting one

  10. Just gonna say I love dogs better...but also this post was kind of "If I remember correctly," instead of actually researching and I believe there are ALOT more pros and cons for each side then were mentioned...pls don't let these arguments go down hill! The first ones were so good and strong!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I realize that sounded a bit irritated, and tbh I am vexed, but I apologize for taking my temper out on you.

    3. thanks for taking care of that ken!

    4. I am sorry I kind of came out strong I didn't mean it was a bad post..I love this debate. i should have been more encouraging I am really sorry I upset you I was kind of rude I guess I am so sorry

    5. DUDE ITS OKAY- honestly i was the one who was really in the wrong because the way i handled myself was terrible :skull:

    6. I should've been kinder too my bad sorry again

  11. We have four dogs (and 6 puppies!) and 3 cats, so I feel like we have a fairly large sample size and experience with both. Throughout this I'm going to try to keep in mind that every dog and every cat, though less so than humans, are different, and they vary a lot.
    But- I'm going to say that I do not find cats effanineeffable. I can easily describe our cats to you with words. And I think I can prove to you that dogs are. But I'm not sure that's the right question for everybody. You may find being effanineeffable the finest trait in an animal, but I'm not sure most people do. I think most people want an animal who does the best job of loving them. And no, cat people, I'm not going to say the most affectionate job, because dogs have that in the bag, and maybe that's not what you're looking for, but the best job of loving you.
    Some people would say that cats don't love. I dislike cats, but they're fine, and they do love. But I think they love you in the way a Greek god would love his creation. They do snuggle, pet, and even apparently comfort you when you're sad. But can't dogs do all this, and more, and better? There are also the people who want useful dogs. Have you ever tried pheasant hunting without dogs? Trust me, dogs make it much better. Much. They can be used for the police, hunting, service, smelling out drugs, and lots of other things. Now, I've heard the argument that there were certain cats who smelled out drugs, etc., but that's one or two, compared to hundreds of dogs. And yes, I'm sure cats can be used for other things, but I think overall dogs are much more useful.
    But let's say you don't want a useful animal, so this argument is in vain. Let's say you want a loyal pet. There were multiple stories on this thread about 'loyal' cats, and again using the Greek god analogy, I think any Greek god would be loyal to their servants who fed and housed them. They want food, so they'll stay with you, and cuddle and pretend they love you all the while. So it works out just fine! But dogs-Some people say that dogs aren't loyal, they are just overly affectionate, so people think they're loyal. I don't think you've met Lotka.
    Lotka is a dog who we are babysitting, for a woman who, let's just say is not in the best position. Once, while that woman was taking a shower at our house, Lotka sat outside the door the whole time. She would not budge. As soon as she came out, (or was safe, in Lotka's mind) Lotka was happy and followed her around the house. When the woman left to go to a rehab program, she left Lotka with us. Let me just say, she is the most loyal dog I've ever seen. One person in mind. She would sit watching the door where she last saw her person. Finally, she had puppies, which meant she didn't have enough time to pine away, but she is still in a sort of state of resigned melancholy.
    You should see how she cares for her puppies, too! All our labs, though they did once snap at a neighbor for it, will almost always let you pick up, handle and cuddle their puppies in their presence. You cannot touch Lotka's puppies. She is protective, which is what her breed is supposed to be. She is a devoted and wonderful mother. So it really depends on what kind of dog you want, but you can get those that let you cuddle their puppies, and those that protect them well. I've never known a cat to protect their kittens like that, though I'm open to anyone tell me I'm wrong, as none of our cats have had kittens.
    There's the first half.

  12. Woah. Zannah, you wrote a whole essay! XD

  13. WOWOWOW!! Now that's a good argument!

    1. I didn't know this topic was this important.😶

  14. Joanna, it's okay, i definitely could have worded my comment better too I am sorry if I sounded critical. I did like your post but I came out a little too strongly in the comment I am sorry.

    1. It's okay man-I wasn't thinking straight yesterday and said smth stupid, you're all good

    2. Ok awesome I wasn't exactly being nice either my bad

  15. I love cats, but since I’m allergic to them, I would honestly prefer dogs. Though I like both! :)

  16. Okay, this is getting ridiculous. Who here is NOT allergic to dogs or cats? Am I the only one? XD

    1. YAY! I think we're the only ones with strong immune systems lol

    2. For real...but tbh I feel bad for people allergic to dogs and/or cats

    3. my too. i actually do have a really strong immune system. I am one of 8 siblings, and when everyone gets sick, I don't. haven't been sick since september 2022.

    4. are you from Crazy Writing Week?

    5. Yep.
      Aahhhh, the good ol’ days. Miss it.

    6. but wait--were u a grape or banana? I was a grape. a very loyal grape.

    7. For was so fun i cant believe we grapes won

    8. I'm surprised I never met you b4 on Crazy Writing Week, since, I'll admit, I was a big presence on the sprinting space. Or do you remember "Brianna Cunningham"? that's my real name.

    9. Oh yea! I joined your sprints a couple of times

    10. I meant to say "grape space" oopsies!
      I'm sort of an extravert-- 91% extravert. have big presence on most things unless I have a headache. I'm an ENFJ. what's your personality type?
      sorry, obsessed with personality psychology XD

    11. Hey, guys. I know how y'all are having an awesome conversation on here, but this comment sections is solely for arguing or asking questions and stuff. So if you wanna have a conversation, I'd recommend just messaging each other in private, ok? :)

    12. If you don't have a way to get in touch with each other, we'd be happy to help.

    13. Yeah, i sorta forgot to, sorry!

  17. I have a short opinion on this topic.
    Dogs are stereotypically nice. If I were to make a guess, about two out of seven dogs (or less) are mean.
    Cats, however, are a coin flip. About 50% of the population of cats hate all living people.
    If you took only this piece of evidence, hands down, dogs would be better. But, a cat attack will just leave you with a bunch of scratches and gouges, but a dog attack can be fatal.
    Even with this piece of evidence, I still believe dogs are better. They're not better by a mile, but maybe a hectometer.


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