True Love — Weekly Devotional (Special Valentine's Day Edition)


Welcome Controversial Readers!

This is Melody Polar bringing you a special edition of the weekly devotional and wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day! I sincerely hope that this devotional will help you during this holiday and also as you go about your business the rest of this week.

When Valentine’s Day comes around, it makes me remember when I and my siblings were in preschool. It was the only “grade” in which we were placed in an actual class with other students. When Valentine’s Day would come around, everyone would bring a little, store-bought, mass-produced valentine for each person in the class. Everyone brought them. We would receive valentines from kids who were our friends, but we also received valentines from kids who generally weren’t nice to us.

The valentines these last kids gave us said nice things: you know the cute little sayings on the valentines like “be mine” or “you're my valentine.” However, the kids didn’t really mean the words that were written on the valentines; they just gave them to us because their parents and/or the teacher made them do it. Sure, they gave us the valentines, but they still didn’t treat us nicely. It wasn’t a real kind of love or friendship; it was a phony love, a phony friendship.

Now, not everyone just gives valentines or offers friendship because they were made to do so. Sometimes they really mean what they say or do. But human love is always fickle.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 gives us a list of the attributes of real love. Unfortunately, as hard as we may try, our human love will never measure up to the love described in this passage. In fact, there is only one human being that has ever shown perfect love: Jesus Christ.

And Jesus didn’t just show the perfect love that 1 Corinthians described, He showed the ultimate love. 1 John 3:16 says:

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.

WOW! Can you imagine loving someone that much? Can you imagine someone loving you that much? Well, Jesus did. In John 15: 13, He said:

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

And He chose to live this out.

So, when people bully you, when someone you call your friend wrongs you, or when you feel like you haven’t a friend in the world, remember the love Jesus showed and still shows to you. Remember that He loves you more than you can possibly imagine. Jesus shows us the epitome of true love.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for Your amazing love! Help me to always remember how much You love me. And please help me to be willing to tell others about Your love.

    In Your Name,


Related Songs:

Jesus is My True Valentine

Jesus Loves Me - Joey+Rory

I Wrote It in Red - Jimmy Fortune

Image: Red Heart Shaped Ornament · Free Stock Photo (



  1. Thanks for this, Melody! I like that you could share a biblical worldview on Valentine's day. My family doesn't do a lot on V day, my parents will sometimes get out of the house on a date and my mom always writes love letters to dad. I'm glad you could share a perspective that's not just about romantic love, but the greatest love story of all-- God's willingness to save us from Hell. That's crazy.

  2. Aw, thanks! This was so sweet!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Everyone in all creation needs this love and can have this love that is never ending and always is available day or night! I have dear friends from different parts of the world that have also experienced this love that knows no bounds. His love is the most powerful and precious thing to me and I want to share it with everyone!


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