Truths To Build Your Foundation On (Part 1) — Weekly Devotional

 Welcome, Controversial Readers!

This is Melody Polar, bringing you this week’s devotional! This devotional is the first of a two-part miniseries on truth (the second part will be posted on February 21).

I think that one of the saddest verses in the Bible is John 18:38, in which Pilate asks Jesus:

What is truth?

I find this verse sad because it embodies a question many people ask even today.

Now, we can’t hear Pilate’s tone of voice in this passage. We don’t know if he was being sarcastic or serious. But for a lot of people today, this is a serious question. 

The truth is, truth isn’t even secularly defined the same way it used to be. Truth used to be truth, no matter what. Truth couldn’t change. And everybody knew that.

Unfortunately, today people want to tell you that truth is relative. That it doesn’t matter what you believe. In other words, truth is the same as opinion.

What Is Truth?

As Christians, we need to know the truth if we are to truly stand firm in the faith. I don’t have the time or space in this devotional to bring to attention all the words of truth in the Bible. Good grief, if I was to add that, I would have to quote all 66 books! So instead, I want to draw your attention to a few fundamental truths that we need to build our faith’s foundation on.

  1. All Humans Are Sinners

This is a statement that the secular world will want to argue. They want everyone to believe that all humans are inherently good and that we don’t really have to worry about moral issues. As long as we obey the law, we are just fine.

However, this does not align with the Scripture.

Romans 3:23 states:

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

That is pretty clear. We have no wiggle room in this verse. All means all humans. And the verse states that all humans have sinned.

  1. We Deserve to Receive Consequences for Our Sin

This is another problem the world has with Christianity. People don’t want - to use a colloquial term - to face the music. People want to do what they want to do, and not worry about the consequences for those actions.

Once again, the world’s view does not line up with the Bible.

Numbers 32:23 warns us:

Be sure your sin will find you out.

All of our actions have consequences, both the good actions and the bad actions. Unfortunately, the punishment for sin is death:

The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23)

  1. Jesus Is Our Savior

The world hates that last verse. They think that we want to condemn them for everything wrong that they do. Unfortunately, that verse is true; God does promise death to those who disobey His commands.

But, He also gives us a Way out.

Romans 6:23 goes on to say:

The free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

And John 14:6 says:

I (Jesus) am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

God has shown us grace by giving us a Way to salvation, and a Truth that leads us away from death. Praise God for His gift of grace!

Let’s Pray

Dear God,

I live in a time where the truth is often misconstrued by the devil. Please help me to keep Your truth close to my heart. Help me to understand the truth, and help me be brave enough to live it out in my own life. Please give me the courage to tell others about Your Truth, so that they may follow Your Way of escape too.

    In Jesus’ Name,


Related Verses:

Related Song:

    Only A Sinner — Ben Everson

I hope y’all will check back in for the second half of this miniseries on February 21!

Hope to see y’all then!




  1. So enjoyed this very timely topic and the clear and loving way you presented it.


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