Unholy Inks and Irons - Daily Controversy #24

Hiya, controversial readers!

I’m Jack Cuison with the Daily Controversy, where teen writers discuss debatable topics regarding literature, theology, music, or in today’s case tattoos

The question for today is:

Are tattoos and piercings acceptable for Christians?

Before we begin our arguments, let’s dig deeper into this topic for a second.

Self-Expression or Body-Destruction?

Tattoos and piercings are pretty common nowadays, right? But for us as Christians, there's always a debate about whether these practices are in line with biblical principles. Some folks believe that tattoos and piercings are okay as a way to express themselves, and the Bible doesn't exactly say no to them. But others argue that certain passages in the Old Testament discourage or even forbid these types of body modifications.

Team Inks and Rings

People who are fine with tattoos and piercings believe that it's all about the freedom we have in Jesus. They say that the Bible doesn’t say anything against body modifications and that we should look at our hearts’ intentions instead. Many people think that tattoos can be a great way to show off your faith or tell your story and that they can be a constant reminder of God's grace and love. They also say that the Bible is open to interpretation and that some things that were forbidden back in the day might be different now.

Team Unholy Destruction

Some people argue that getting tattoos or piercings goes against the teachings of the Bible. They point to verses like Leviticus 19:28, which says, “You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.” Those against piercings might say that our bodies are like a temple, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, and that changing them with tattoos or piercings could be seen as disrespecting the sacredness of the body as a vessel for the Holy Spirit.

Why Does This Matter?

As young Christians, we must ponder the relevance of tattoos and piercings in our modern world. Our stance on this matter not only shapes our self-expression and acceptance but also influences our spiritual beliefs. By engaging in this conversation, we learn to strike a balance between personal freedom, cultural context, and biblical teachings. These discussions challenge us to articulate and defend our beliefs, thereby deepening our faith and its application to our daily lives.

My Opinion

To me, tattoos and piercings are fine as long as you consider your intentions. If you get your favorite Bible verse tattooed on your arm or your ears pierced, that’s fine! But if you get a giant skull permanently inked on your back or get piercings in . . . unthinkable locations. . . Just ask yourself if your bodily alterations reflect your love for God and a faithful heart or if they are unnecessary or even sinful. I don’t really know how to phrase it, but you get the idea.

But enough about me. Now, it’s your turn! Tell us where you stand in today’s controversy in the comments, chat with other teens, and just have fun! (If you have any questions, message us through the contact form in the sidebar.)

Happy arguing!

Jack Cuison

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  1. 1. Always pay attention to your parents' opinions and rules. (And I would say in this area I would follow those rules even after I've moved out of my parents' home)
    2. The Bible doesn't forbid piercings. In fact, there are actually places where there were rules for getting your ear pierced (for instance when a slave wished to stay with his master). So I believe ear piercing at least is fine. However, there are definitely places where you should not get peircings.

    3. Tattoos..... probably the only thing I would accept is.a Bible verse...my problem with them is they are permanent....they change how your skin looks....by doing that I feel like you're saying that you don't like the way God made you to look. I would never get a tattoo

    1. (And I obviously can't spell)

    2. about the tattoo: I'm ok with them, but years later might change my mind and regret making a change. but based on your argument don't you think any change you do on your skin would qualify as not liking the way God made you look? that would mean things like makeup and hair dye would get ruled out.
      I'd actually say that changes you make to your body could be accents to add to your beauty, like how mascara brings out your eye color. What do you think?

    3. I see a difference between makeup and tattoos because tattoos are pretty much permanent. I mean you can have it tattooed over or get skin grafts, but your skin can never go back to the way it was before. Makeup can be washed off

    4. Also I would quote the verse Jack mentioned from 1 Corinthians....I believe this applies to tattoos. However, I didn't quote it because for many people tattoos aren't seen in the same light as I would see it in connection with that verse.

    5. Yes I see what you mean, but I still do think they're okay. but we can still be friends XD

    6. Yeah, I still have friends and family who don't see eye to eye with me on this subject

    7. Mel, there’s actually this AMAZING book I read recently called Conscience. It’s about how to calibrate your conscience in light of the Bible and to communicate with others who disagree with your convictions. It’s worth a read.

  2. i dislike tattoos aaa- i def think ur desecrating ur body- the difference between (ear) peiercings and tattos imo is tattos are painful as heck and look ugly when they get old cuz they dont age well vs a good ear piercing doesnt actually hurt :OOO and ages well :OOO
    that verse in leviticus tho hm..... def keeping that in mind next time someone says the Bible allows tattoos ehehe


    OR TOUNGUE PIERCINGS :sobbing incoherently: when it comes to piercongs a little goes a longggg way imo...

    1. as you can see i have 100% typing accuracy hehe

    2. 😆 You and me both.....

    3. Ok, definitely NOT tongue piercings; those is UGLY. But nose piercings, I think are okay (I don’t want one tho cuz I don’t have the right nose for it imo).
      I don’t like belly button piercings either; it’s ain’t like I’ll show off my belly. Too conservative. But i’m not judging anyone who gets them.
      Note: do NOT get a tattoo on your stomach, especially if you think you might get pregnant someday. My aunt, she got a tiger on her belly then had 7 babies, and now it’s shriveled.
      I know you guys don’t agree entirely with me, but I totally understand your points of view, and don’t judge peeps for having different points of view.
      We’re bros and sisses in christ.

    4. funny story, i was rewatching this movie and one of the main chars had a cool design and then mama went 'yk she has an eyebrow piercing right?'
      me: WHAT???*sibbing* NOW I CANT UNSEE THAT

    5. *i mean sobbing not sibbing oof

  3. ok yall i want tattoos thats all im going to say

    1. Scar, finally someone who agress!!!

    2. J and Scar, what would ya get a tattoo of?!!!?

    3. also bri do you mind calling me scarlett?

    4. well i want a cross on my wrist, and i want some taylor swift refernce on my forarm but thats abt it

    5. of course, sorry, i just called u that because it's faster to write.

    6. I want a moon on my shoulder, half moons and moons.

    7. ture true thats why i resort to nicknames sometimes too

    8. i dunno wut tattoo i want yet. something christian first

    9. glad you understand about The nickname. I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything. (my bros call me Pipsqueak for some reason).
      I thought moons would be cute. Saw then on a woman at a wedding. It’s small, so I could easily cover it up if I don’t want anyone to see it.
      I’m joining the military, so unfortuantey a tattoo has strict rules, so I wouldn’t get it unless I’m out of the mil.
      Why Taylor swift? Lol XD

    10. Jack, of course something christian

    11. well, that's a good reason to get Tay tay on your body then, I guess.
      I'm not swiftie enough to get that though XD

    12. btw Scarlett my sister is going to be a tattoo artist my sister is going to be a tattoo artist if you’re looking for someone to get a tattoo from, but you’ll have to drive all the way to minnesota

    13. driving to minnesota is not at the top of my buket list lol

    14. this is becoming more of a conversation than an argument...

    15. ok i take your warning *goes back to my microeconomics assignment* see ya

  4. yeah i would get this giant arm tattoo or any kind of face tattoo. something small on my arm or leg would be nice

  5. jack have you ever hread abt controdicting statements

  6. ah, yes scarlett you're right! contradicting is VERY argumentative. See, I contradicted Mel's argument, so I actually HAVE been arguing XD

  7. I think it is ok for Christian’s to get tattoos or piercings as long as they don’t have profanity or in weird places or all over their body. If they have a sleeve one with a bunch of Bible verses on it, that is fine. On the other hand, nope.

  8. I think things like this are conviction based, there are certain rules laid out for Christians laid out in the Bible, but anything outside of that is for God to tell us and put on our heart, and we shouldn’t look down on people who have different convections than us because everyone’s relationship with God is different.

  9. I'm kinda late to this conversation, but I think it really does boil down to individual convictions. Personally, (depending on the tattoo), I'm fine with it. (You do you, princess 😉). There are a lot of varying opinions in Christian circles (heck, even in my own family), but that's mine. Will I get a tattoo eventually? Yeah, probably xD

  10. I agree totally with what Shay said. kind of want a small little wrist tattoo yk? Piercings and tattoos are a personal choice however I'm not a fan of derogatory or inappropriate tattoos or piercings in weird places. But I mean, you do you, its really personal decision.


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