What's that Style? - Daily Controversy #22

 Welcome back to the Controversial Book Club!

Hello readers, Keona here, I’ll be bringing today's controversy to you. 

The question for today may be quite controversial, please remember to respect everyone and have fun! 

Should you dress up for church? What’s the line between dressing to glorify the Lord and not putting pressure on people, so they can come as they are?

Now, I know this is a big question and may seem a bit daunting but I hope you stick with me as we work out an answer.

My Opinion

I think that yes, you should dress up and look nice to glorify God. Something that is a bit hard is finding the line between super fancy and drawing attention away from worship, and coming in your everyday clothes. Whatever you decide to wear, in my opinion, should not take attention away from worshiping. You wouldn’t wear a prom dress to church, at prom, you want to look really nice and attract attention.

But at church, you want to show both that you respect God and also that you don’t have to play pretend, you can show your real self. There is no judging, you don’t have to pretend to have the best of this or that. And ways you show this is by wearing clothes you wouldn’t wear to work as well as not being too fancy. There is a different line for different people. If I’m poorer I may wear jeans to church, instead of shorts, because that is the nicest thing I have, if I’m richer I may wear a dress instead of a skirt I wear every day.

This is just an example to show that the line is different for everyone, but whatever you do, make sure not to judge what others are wearing, you may not know what they are going through. (I have been using dresses in this example because I’m a girl, but that doesn’t mean this doesn’t apply to guys as well.) 

Thank you for listening to me, please post your opinions in the comments below!

We’ll see you next time!


                         Keona Cox 💙


  1. I believe that we should "dress up" for church because it shows respect to God. Just as we would dress up if we were planning on meeting a king or a president. And I also believe that we need to dress up in a simplistic fashion (like Ken said, we aren't dressing to call attention to ourselves, so no prom dresses). And I don't believe it is wrong for a person to come to church in a non-dressy outfit (jeans, T-shirts etc.) because there are reasons people aren't able to dress up. But if we are able and if we truly want to show our respect to God, I believe we should wear our "Sunday best," because doing so shows that we respect the Person (God) whose presence we are in, who we are worshipping.

  2. I think that if you can then dressing to glorify God is what you should do. But there is also the fact that you should be comfortable in what you wear. I don’t mean show up in sweat pants and a sweatshirt when you have a perfectly normal outfit that you could wear. I just mean that some people might not be comfortable in wearing, let’s say a dress. A usual church outfit for me would be nice, non stressed, jeans, and a nice top. I also agree with the “line is different for everyone.” You don’t know what they could be going through. Maybe those paint stained pants are the nicest they have. While dressing nicer can show respect for God, I believe that as long as we are following him, loving him, loving like him, and following his word, that he does not matter what we look like or what we wear.

  3. I guess it shouldn't be mandatory (and isn't), but people should want to put on their Sunday best for the Lord. Church is God's house after all. Appropriate clothes should be worn to certain places.

  4. Side note, dressing up is fun!!! So it's not just glorifying God, its also fun to put on a dress and a few bracelets and some nice shoes lol

    1. not sure I entirely agree, but okay...
      Everything should be about glorifying God.

    2. thanks jack now im having nightmares of you in a dress (jk)

  5. i like dressing up cause im a girlly girl but in the bible it talks about clotheing your self with the spirt and wiht love (fruints of the sprit) i think that dressing up should come from the inside out. but you should at least try to make your self prsentable for church. i also feel like dressing up is differnt from a lot of denomations, so just keep in mind that im not showing up to a cathlic church in sweat pants (ykyk)

  6. Ahhh, what a question. I’m not the most girly person out there; I keep trying to wear slacks and jeans to church, but mom makes me wear skirts and things. However, I do like to wear a bit of makeup every now and then. Overall, I think you should try to dress nicely for church to honor and respect others and God, but not over the top and attention-seeking.
    And of course, being modest.

  7. I think dressing up for church is a good thing, but I also think if your church is meeting outside, or in a different location than a church building, you don’t really have to dress up. My church used to meet at a working horse barn, so the lady’s didn’t often wear long dresses because of all the mud and stuff. Also keep in mind, you are worshiping god, so I also don’t think it matters what you wear. It is sorta against you and god and your parents and pastor.

  8. I dress up for church, but by no means is it necessary. If you're heart is in the right place, that's all that matters. I usually go in more dressy clothes that make me feel comfortable, ex. I usually go in a nice pair of slacks, dress shirt, and sometimes a suit jacket/blazer if I'm felling really fancy XD. I think Church is a place where we should not judge on outward appearance, God does say that man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart, so dressing poorly because you don't care isn't good, but neither is dressing up fancy just to flaunt.
    -Sea 🌊


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