Frivolous friction? - Daily Controversy #26

 Salutations, loyal arguers!

Everyone (well, almost everyone) likes reading fiction.  Whether it is to escape or pass the time, stories are integral parts of our lives.  But, are they good?

Fiction is often riddled with low-quality stories, and of course, terrible agendas.  Which leads me to the question,

“Is reading fiction beneficial?”

Of course, I’m an extremely biased source when it comes to this question but I shall attempt to offer both sides of the debate equally.

1. The AFF side

Those who think fiction is beneficial generally cite these reasons:

  1. It’s fun.  What more can I say?

  2. It boosts self-esteem.  Reading about characters that the reader can identify with can help the reader grow.

  3. It’s actually educational.  The lessons characters learn can rub off on the reader.  Also, reading good writing affects your writing and vocabulary in positive ways.  For example, learning new words or writing styles.

1. The NEG side

Those who think fiction is actually harmful generally back their arguments up with these points:

  1. Waste of time.  Fiction is just that: fiction.  Instead of wasting time fussing over fictional people you could be learning about real people and real things.

  2. It has negative emotional effects.  Ever been distraught over something that happened in a book?  Why waste your time investing in something that might turn out to be a disappointment?

  3. Fiction is not educational.  It’s just meaningless fluff.


Jesus told stories.  He told fictional stories of fictional happenings to illustrate His points.  He, the Creator, created humans in His image.  That means we humans also enjoy creating.  Be it sculptures or stories, humans are made to create, and writing fiction fulfills that when it is done for the glory of God.  Fiction is not only beneficial to read, it is beneficial to write.

What are your thoughts?

Joanna ❤ for the photo


  1. Yes, I love fiction! Gothic and crime fiction in first-person limited are my favorite.
    Didn’t consider Jesus’ use of fiction about the ethics of it, but you’re right. Fiction isn’t just fluff. It can teach us lots of lessons and motivate creative juice. I wouldn’t be half as brilliant without it, really. 😉

  2. fiction is crucial for my well-being and mental stability. without it, i would be a hopeless lump. so, yes, fiction is VERY beneficial :D

  3. tbh i will be VERY surprised if someone who dislikes fiction enters the chat XD

  4. Non-fiction team! I don’t have anything against fiction, though. I write it and I completely understand why people like reading it. My reasons are personally based, not universally. The first reason I prefer non-fiction is because I have horrible reading comprehension. If I read a fictional book, I can’t always keep track of characters, storylines, plots, or even when a character changes from a sitting to a standing position. Reading is hard for me because of that, so when I read non-fiction, even though I don’t always understand every single thing, I pick up more facts and learn more than I would when reading a fiction book. The other major reason I prefer to read nonfiction is because I’m very time-conscious and have a hard time justifying spending an hour or two reading a fictional book, but if I’m reading a non-fiction book, I am more willing to devote my time to it, because I’m learning, and it’s not as hard to keep track of everything being said in it. I do settle down with a good fiction book, but rarely, and have preferred non-fiction for more than three years now.

    1. That's a good argument, Melody. Life is too short to not make what we read worthwhile, so I understand why you mostly like non-fiction. I do think, though, that fiction can be important because it can teach us worthwhile lessons. But, again, so can non-fiction, especially non-fiction.

    2. (that wasn't me......although I do enjoy nonfiction as well as fiction)

    3. I totally understand ur points, lol (idk who you are tho XD)

    4. Melody: oh, how embaressing lol

    5. well that first thing I wrote is not to you then, melody. it's to whoever this mysterious person is.

    6. Fiction all the way! I do like nonfiction, but fiction is my go to place.

    7. (quick clarification: the "susanna" comment was a typo- susanna wasnt the one who posted the logn comment bc that wouldnt make sense bc she then posted that she lives fiction XD)

  5. If anyone says that fiction is not beneficial, you are wrong. I agree with the conclusion but disagree with the negative points on reading fiction.
    I'm not saying, in turn, that nonfiction is non-beneficial. In fact, some of my favorite books (The Hiding Place, Through Gates of Splendor, and, of course, the Bible) are nonfiction. But if you only choose one or the other, then I would suggest you try the other.
    If you struggle to read fiction, that's fine. If you struggle to read nonfiction, that's also fine.
    A rather valid point brought up in the article was that there are more low-quality and unethical fiction books. Yes that is true, but there are still low-quality and unethical nonfiction books. Also, just make sure what you are reading is not unethical before you read it.
    In conclusion, fiction and nonfiction are equally great. I read more fiction, but I think that both are equal.

    1. ok that point about unethical fiction- that was a really good point I forgot about! Also have you ever read God's Smuggler? It's all nonfiction but written like a thriller- I love it gaaahhhh
      it is a bit intense in a few scenes, though.

    2. I haven't read it. The name sounds familiar.
      I guess I should read it!

    3. I'm actually reading it for school right now. It's amazing!!!

  6. Personally, I used to not like fiction……(That is before I read Percy Jackson) And Oh. My. Gosh.! Its amazing!!!!! I’m am currently on the fifth book in the series of PJO and about half way through it. I have also watched the show and am just as in love with it. It’s probably one of my favorite series.

  7. Fiction!!! I LOVE fiction!!! Fiction is an escape from reality that we all need at times.

  8. Fiction's good, but I still prefer non-fiction.


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