He Is Risen! — Weekly Devotional (Special Easter Edition)

 Happy Early Easter, Readers!

Melody Polar here, once again, bringing y’all this week’s special holiday devotional! Since I won’t be posting a devotional on Sunday, we will be covering Resurrection Sunday today! So, since we will be covering such a large topic, let’s hurry up and jump in!

What a wonderful day Easter — or what many Christians call Resurrection Sunday — is! But of course to understand the importance of this holiday, we have to go back to what happened before. So let’s take a whirlwind tour of what happened in the days leading up to the Resurrection.

Palm Sunday: Recorded in a different fashion in each of the Gospels (Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:28-40, John 12:12-19), we are told of Jesus’ magnificent triumphal entry.  Than we hear about how He cleanses the temple (Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19, Luke 19:45-46)

Judas’s Plotting: After the triumphal entry, we are told how Judas went to the religious leaders and offered to betray Jesus (Matthew 26:14-16, Mark 14:10-11, Luke 22:3-6).

Passover: We see a record of Jesus celebrating the Passover with His disciples during which He institutes the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:17-29, Mark 14:12-25, Luke 22:7-23, John 13-17).

The Betrayal: Judas re-enters the picture as his plot to betray Jesus is put into action (Matthew 26:47-56, Mark 14:43-50, Luke 22:47-53, John 18:1-11).

The Trial: The Gospels then tell us of the “trial” of Jesus (Matthew 26:57-27:31, Mark 14:53-15:20, Luke 22:63-23:25, John 18:12-19:16).

The Crucifixion: The crisis of the story, the crucifixion, comes next in our overview of the Holy Week (Matthew 27:32-54, Mark 15:21-39, Luke 23:26-47, John 19:16-37).

The Burial: The last event recorded before the Resurrection is the burial of Jesus (Matthew 27:57-66, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-56, John 19:38-42).

Which brings us to the event we will be celebrating this upcoming Sunday: The Resurrection!

After all that we just read about, the most amazing part of the story occurs: Jesus Himself rises from the dead (Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-13, Luke 24:1-49, John 21:1-29)! 

But why should we care? What is so important about the fact that Jesus died and then rose again? Well, Jesus’ death and resurrection brought life into the world (1 Corinthians 15:20-22)!

“Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

(Romans 10:9)

Should we not praise Jesus for the salvation He has brought to us? Thank You God that we can have salvation through Jesus!

Let’s Pray:


How could You love me so much? It is incomprehensible to me that You would die for me so that I might live with You in Heaven! I thank You and praise You for the gift of salvation which You have given to me! May I never forget the grace and love You have shown to me!

In Your Name I pray,


Related Verses:

John 3:16

John 11:25

Related Songs:

And Can It Be — Charles Wesley

Up From the Grave He Arose —  Acapeldridge

The Greatest Story Ever Told — Adam and Megan Morgan

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  1. MEL YOUR DEVOS ARE SO METICULOUS!!! I love how you take the time to back yourself up with Scripture. Also this week's prayer was beautiful <33


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