Suppression or Uniformity - Daily Controversy #28


Good morning, day, or evening, I bring to you a new Daily Controversy!

School uniforms have always been evolving, but is it the time to put them back in the closet? Dress codes are facing more and more backlash every year.

School uniforms and dress codes are generally seen as an old school style, that’s dying out, that restricts stylistic freedom, or as a safeguard from inappropriate clothing. The question is…

“Should schools have uniforms or dress codes or not at all?”

The Case for School Uniforms and Dress Codes

The main argument for keeping dress codes or uniforms

  1. Inappropriate — Not having school uniforms or dress codes leads students to have too much freedom, letting them wear inappropriate clothing.

  2. They Look Good — As illogical as this is, most of the time, uniforms just plain look cool.

  3. Only Private Schools — Uniforms are mostly only present in private schools, where parents pay a lot to get in. They are aware of the price they have to pay for their kids to get a better education.

Style Freedom

The main argument for this side is that schools do not have the right to regulate children's clothing.

  1. Parent’s Concern — It should be the parents who have rules for their children, not some people at a school. They are more interested in their child's lives and are in charge of them.

  2. Too Strict — Uniforms are too strict, students all wear the same thing; same color and type, only differing with no differences. They suffocate the children’s style preferences!

  3. Unrealistic — Times change: we no longer need to have old-fashioned rules for new times.

My opinion

In my opinion, I do not mind school uniforms. Most of the time parents are aware of the fact that they are paying for a private school education, including uniforms. I also think that dress codes are important to the school system, otherwise, people could get away with wearing inappropriate clothing.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day! I would like to tell y’all that I am changing my pseudonym to Sage instead of Sarah.

Sage 🕊

 Photo from here 


  1. There should be dress codes so kids don't wear inappropriate clothing, but uniforms are a bit too far. When I was in private school, the uniforms were SUPER uncomfortable and expensive. But I honestly don't care anymore since I'm homeschooled and am literally typing this up in PJs 🥳😜

    1. Personally, I think dress codes are an appropriate thing in schools. All schools are different and have different standards and requirements. For instance I have a friend who goes to a private school and doesn’t mind the uniforms in fact she likes them. Either way I think uniforms or dress codes are a smart decision rather then letting kids have the freedom to wear whatever they want. Anyways….😂 that’s my opinion.

    2. I also went to a private school for two years or so before homeschooling. There was a dress code but not strict uniforms. But I disagree that uniform is “too far”. It’s not just about modesty. I think uniforms are appropriate because they make all the kids look the same so there’s not prejudice between rich and poor kids. Having grown up originally in a poor family, I know how embarrassing it can make people feel when they are wearing rags. When I transferred schools to a normal school, my teachers noted that I always wore the same old pants to school, so they saw I was poor. So I think uniforms are good!
      Obviously, I feel very passionately about this. Does that somehow sway your stance?

    3. Well, I don't know about your private school, but mine had very uncomfortable, overly-formal uniforms that were crazy expensive. Also, the financial status didn't really vary since it already cost like $8,000 to go their so everyone was rich. So I still stand by all my statements, which were made from my personal experiences.

    4. Hold up. Grammar mistake. "Also, the financial status didn't really vary since it already cost like $8,000 to go THERE so everyone was rich."

    5. Yeah my private school was WAY different. I see why your statement still stands: If everyone’s rich, then there’s no need to protect those students who aren’t, since there aren’t any poor students! I live in a rich family now, but based on what I wrote I didn’t always. And I’m glad you fixed that grammar mistake :D

    6. Come to think of it actually, a friend and I were mocked for our shoes. Some of the kids had those $150 Nike shoes while my friend and I wore like...I dunno some cheaper shoes. So I guess uniforms are nice in cases like yours to protect belittlement based on social of financial class.

    7. I've never really had to wear an uniform, or been picked on due to my outfit, but kids like that aren't going to stop bullying just because everyone wears the same clothes. That would require a change of heart, and not just a change of clothes. If the reason for a uniform is to prevent bullying of kids, it won't work because of sin. Bullies just find another reason for picking on people (like wearing braces, or being shorter, or something like that).

    8. Jack: $130 shoes! My family is fortunately very well-off financially, but I’ve never owned shoes that expensive; I go to Goodwill for them 😊 I’m also glad you see my view on the matter and understand what you mean. This just shows there are many sides to the issue and no one is right or wrong!

  2. Dress codes are definitely needed in schools to keep from inappropriate outfits.

    1. That’s what I’m thinking…. Although at the same time I would hate school uniforms 😂.

    2. Same.....but thankfully as a homeschooler I don't have to worry about it 😁

    3. least until college, anyway

    4. But I don't think I'll end up going to a college with an uniform, only a dress code

    5. Melody: Ah, I go to a private Christian college and there dress code is actually quite ridiculous for girls. If you want to where shorts, you have to where leggings under them, and the pants can't be too tight for girls. But I'm glad I am an online student so I don't have to worry about any of that that. Anyway, know one really follows those rules. I think their modesty rules are too strict for girls. For guys, the only rule is like "you have to keep your shirt on in public."

    6. I don't really mind a dress code.......the college I'm currently considering requires knee-length dresses or slacks for girls going to a class, and I will have to follow said dress code when I go for the college preview.....honestly though, your dress code doesn't sound that bad too me....I don't think girls should be wearing super tight pants, and depending on the length of shorts, wearing leggings doesn't sound so bad either.....I do understand why girls have a stricter dress code tho, because boys don't really have choices of immodest clothing like girls do........

    7. I think that in school there should be a dress code (esp. Christian schools like mine), but even more so there should be uniforms. Honestly, it's just so much easier because then teachers don't have to manage what everyone wears; they just all look the same. I'm def. not promoting communism :D but it's just way simpler, you know?
      And yes, I agree that girls shouldn't be wearing super tight leggings. I see so many girls do that and gag and I just really feel bad for the boys because it's too tempting, both psychologically and biologically. This is even a struggle among Christian young men who seek purity, and their female friends should not try to put them in the path of temptation.
      Anyway, I'm going to have to learn to get used to uniforms and very strict dress code because I'm joining the military in a couple months.
      Actually, I'm going to be an official member of the military in a few weeks when I swear in. Even the slightest wrinkle or piece of hair out of place will make the drill sergeants MAD.

  3. As a person who goes to a public school and seen all of the interesting clothing choices, won’t go into detail there, I will leave that up to your imagination, I wouldn’t mind having a uniform. Uniforms mean that everybody will be dressed the same and no bullying about clothes can happen. Dress codes aren’t simply enough, people violate them all the time, but the administrators don’t do anything about it. I would much rather have a uniform because then it would be easier to get ready for school in the morning. And uniforms mean no interesting clothing that I see on a day to day basis.

  4. I'm fine with leggings and I wear them all the time... BUT I wear a long short/dress to cover my rear. And with shorts I have this pair of shorts that I love that go just above my knees (i dont like super short shorts)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My school does uniforms and I think it's a good idea if you're with people who may be allowed to wear something improper. It's just a safer thing to do.


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