Another Farewell


Or should I say goodbye. My name is Sarah, as most of you know. My sister, Joanna, and I have a sad announcement to make. We are leaving the blog for a few reasons, which will remain undisclosed. However, we would like to point out that none of them have to do with the community, blog, and authors, but have to do with us. We had a lot of fun writing for them and are sad to say goodbye, but it is necessary and beneficial for both us and the blog, to leave. We love the community and won’t be going anytime soon, even if we aren’t authors anymore.

Goodbye, it’s been a great three months with y’all!

Sarah and Joanna ♥️



  1. We'll miss y'all's posts! Truly enjoyed the time I spent as an author with y'all!
    (P.S. I love the picture)

  2. Sorry you have to go. But thanks for supporting the group for as long as you were able.


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