Banning Books — Daily Controversy #37

 Hello there!

Tis I, (Sarah) and I bring to you another Daily Controversy! This one is concerning book bans.

In recent times there have been some, well, controversial book bans. At first glance book-banning seems like a good idea to regulate the content that is produced, but does it restrict freedom?

“Does book banning infringe on free press?”

Freedom of Speech

1. Free speech — The first amendment. What more can I say? A lot, due to this. If people allow a small amount of breaching this amendment, they are likely to do it again.

2. Publisher — The publisher decides if they want to publish and can choose if they want to publish something, the government shouldn’t.


1. Morals — Unfortunately, keeping books moral is more important than freedom. As we live in a sinful world, we need to be prepared to take action, like book-banning.

My opinion

Personally, I think book bans are unfortunately necessary. Because of the world we live in, sometimes book bans are needed to help other people from being harmed by their contents. As much as I would like to agree with the anti-book-banning side, I believe that freedom is not as important as morality.


Sage ❤ 


  1. I highly disagree. Free press should always be respected. There should definitely be content restrictions for children's books and such but no books should be banned. If there is a book you don't like, no one is forcing you to read or buy them. Having the freedom to publish a book is an American right I value and that shouldn't be disrespected just because certain people disagree with the book's content.

  2. Book bans are not really against the Firs Amendment. Books that are banned are still allowed to be published; they just aren't allowed in certain libraries or bookstores. Book bans, or at least book restrictions should be in place in certain areas. There are books that should never be found in a school library or children's section of a bookstore or library because they hold inappropriate content. Banning these books is important to protect the minds of children, because even if their parents do regulate what they read (and let's face it, a lot of parents don't), children still come across books that are harmful in what is meant to be a safe section of library.
    As with everything else, though. The process of banning books should have checks and balances to ensure that books aren't banned for silly reasons.

  3. Keeper of The Lost Cities should be banned for being so exceptionally annoying and cheesy and nauseating. 🤣


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