Following God's Path For Me — A Bitter-Sweet Farewell


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Hi y’all. Melody Polar here. I have some bitter-sweet news to share in this post. For three months I have immensely enjoyed writing the devotionals and verse of the week posts. Writing for this blog has shown me how much I love writing for an audience, and it has been through this experience that God has awakened in me a love for writing articles that point others to Him. However, after today I will no longer be writing for the blog.

As I said, I truly enjoyed writing my posts and sharing these spiritual truths with you, but now I feel God calling me elsewhere. After much prayer and deliberation, I have decided that God wants me in another place where I can speak to the audience that I feel God calling me to speak to — young Christian women.

Now you may be wondering why I need to leave in order to do that. Well, this blog has a mixed audience —both girls and guys read this post. I mean after all, Jack — who himself is a guy — started the blog. So I will be moving on to my own blog where I can target an audience of young women.

I want to thank y’all so much for reading the devotionals and verse of the week posts, and for the encouraging comments you posted! I’ll miss y’all, but I know God has a different path for me.

Your sister in Christ,



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