Hidden Identities — Daily Controversy #34

G’day, readers!

I’m Jack and I’ll be presenting the Daily Controversy today! The controversial question for today is this:

“Do you think writers should use pen names?”

purple flowers on paper

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

While this is more of an opinionated matter than a debate, I still think this is worth discussing because I personally adore pen names but I know some people who aren’t big fans. If you check out my Substack bio or if you read any of the poems or short stories I’ve posted on social media, you’ll notice that I go by the pen name Jakson. I’ve also used my real name before, but I enjoy using a pen name more. Why? For starters, they’re great for protecting your identity if you’re a young author. But pen names are also better for those with super hard-to-pronounce last names (like me! See if you can guess how to pronounce it in the comments . . . just kidding, unless you want to!).

I find pen names especially useful for these reasons, but why do some people dislike pen names? Honestly, I have no idea. It’s always important to consider that everyone harbors their own preferences and opinions though. If you don’t like pen names, make sure to leave a comment explaining why! If you agree with me, I’d love to hear your pen name and if you have any other reasons besides those I shared.

One more thing, how do you guys feel about mononyms, one-word pen names like mine? Do you suppose last names are required, even if the entire name is made up anyway? I’m eager to hear what y’all have to say so make sure to leave a comment and debate with each other about this topic and pen names in general.

Remember to be kind and respectful! I hope you all have an amazing Friday and I’ll see you in the next post!

 Happy arguing! :) 


  1. yes for pen names. they can be easier to remember (like Lady Gaga) and protect your identity.

    1. I dunno if that's a pen name since she's an artist not an author, but I guess they're pretty much the same...

  2. p.s. her real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. that's a mouthful. no wonder she changed it

  3. ......im useing a pen name right now.....

  4. Pen names... hmm...
    I don't recall ever hearing of someone who has given their pen a name. How about pencils and crayons? (I'm joking.) 🤣

    1. no, but I did name a fly that was buzzing in my car when I was little "Bob", much like your name. do you call yourself by your last name so we don't know your first name?!!

    2. not fair. you may not tell him my real name btw

    3. btw I need your guys advice since you're talking about names. do you like the name William Chu Tully? IT"S VERY IMPORTANT

    4. well he's a real person, who sort of like...i don't know what to do!

    5. he like asked for my number and i want to know if you think his name is respectable enough. but he's 11 years older than me!!!

    6. I was Jonas Dougherty on CWW.

    7. 11 years older?! Don’t give him your number. That is a little strange. That age difference… 😬

    8. I agree with Susanna. I wouldn't give my phone number to a stranger.

    9. Hmm...William Chu Tully is like the most sus internet name ever. Block him!!

    10. guys, he's not someone i met on the internet, but in real life. he gave me his number and I looked him up. what dou think?

    11. if he was from the internet I'd totally not give him my number, but in real life it's different.

    12. I still think that 11 years is too much of an age gap…

    13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    14. follow thta link. cute huh?

    15. Sorry we're not allowing any external links in the comments right now :)

    16. i think i'll forigve you this one time Jack Cuison, just this one time.

  5. I think it's really no secret that I use a pen name... Have for almost as long as I can remember. Probably ever since I started writing seriously, when I was eleven. So, personally, I don't really understand why some people would actually be against it, but if you'd rather use your real name, go for it! I also think coming up with one can be a fun experience... Particularly if you're not the one creating it. XD (Yes, personal experience lol). Great post, Jack. 🤙

  6. I don't mind pen named, however I do understand both pov. Some ppl use them to protect their identity, while others use them because they believe changing the name to one of a different gender would cause their product to sell better (instances such as Fanny Crosby and the person who wrote the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys serieses). However, other ppl prolly view it as dishonest because they are "lying" about their identity. Personally, I will use my real name because I want the credit for my work.


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