Out with the Old...

G’day, controversial readers.

Today I have an announcement, both sad and joyful. If you’re not already, I would take a seat. This may be the biggest announcement post I’ve ever created.

I realize that the Controversial Book Club blog has only been going on for only a little over three months and we haven’t had much time to grow, but in early March, the team and I made a big decision. Here it is…

The Controversial Book Club will be moving to a new platform and rebranding as The Young Author Section.

Around late February, right after our blog’s one-month mark, I discovered a new blogging platform called Substack from a fellow blogger. If you’ve been following us from the start, you remember how we’ve always known our name “Controversial Book Club” wouldn’t be able to stay if we wanted to grow our audience and we asked you all a couple of times for name suggestions. Before even discovering Substack, I thought of the name The YA Section, but my fellow blog authors were skeptical that it would be any better than our current name. So I made YA stand for Young Author instead of Young Adult, which seemed to satisfy everyone. 

With a new but still not finalized blog name, I began experimenting with a plethora of different blogging platforms because I knew, even with a rebrand, we wouldn’t last long on Blogger. Finally, I was introduced to Substack, a blogging platform like no other. And during March and April, I meticulously uploaded all of our old posts onto our new Substack blog (for historical preservation as well as copyright complications). Now The YA Section Substack blog is up and running. I’ve created an introduction post on the blog you can check out that features the pros and cons of this decision and how the blog will be the same and different from now on.

Subscribe to The YA Section!

(Note: if you're already a part of Controversial Book Club's email list, you will be added as an imported subscriber to The YA Section. You may unsubscribe at any moment.)

For now, we won't be posting often on The YA Section since we're entering exam season and family vacations have already been planned. But by August we plan to have the blog in full swing!

And we’re obviously keeping this blog still up but we will no longer be posting on here. The Young Author Section is the biggest, newest step in our journey with this blog. Thank you for all the love and support we’ve received from you all and I can only pray and hope that this transition will take this blog somewhere new for the better. I love you guys and I’ll see you later at The YA Section

Have a blessed day :)

Jack Cuison ❦


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