Smile for the Camera - Daily Controversy #33


Hi, viewers! Welcome to another episode- oops, wrong platform! Anyway, if you don’t know me, I’m Sarah, but you can call me Sage too.

Smile for the camera! If you’ve ever come across some family videoing their daily life, you know what things ensue; either everything's fake, something goes wrong, or it is benign. Are family bloggers encroaching on their children’s privacy? Or, is it just some fun?

“Are family bloggers bad? ”


Are family vlogs and blogs inherently bad?

  1. Fun — Making blog or vlog posts are very fun! They can even be informative to viewers.

  2. Non specific harm — All of the harms below aren’t specific to family bloggers, but the internet in general,


  1. Encroachment of space — No one wants to see you living your life at a very, very personal level. They especially don’t want to know about how you or your child did something incredibly unwise.

  2. Truth? — Is anything even true, how much is staged? The “dream” of a life that is recorded may be a nightmare in reality. I won’t start an argument about social media today but one of the problems about social media has to do with comparing oneself to another. This problem gets expanded when people only see the good parts of the “real people.”

My opinion 

In my opinion, I am at a more neutral standpoint. I do not mind if families blog or vlog, but I do understand that there are downsides to that. Personally, I am on the more against side because the families actions might come back to haunt them when the children are adults.

Whether you agree or disagree, have a nice day!




  1. Um, no. I want what goes on in my family to stay just that—in my family. One thing I thought about by reading this is the “fakeness” of it. No family is perfect, so that family blog might be staged. It’s kind of like those little Christmas Cards: everyone is hugging each other and pretending they love each other…but do they really? It’s almost cheesy. Or IS cheesy.

    1. are you suggesting my sister is a fake person >:OOOO (I SWEAR IM KIDDING :sob: IK WHAT YOU MEAN)

    2. that’s just the thing: both you and your sis are authors on this blog and we’re conversing over family blogs…I don’t know if you’re fake. Goodness, you don’t know if I am fake!


    4. can never tell when you're on the web :D

  2. Personally I must disagree with you a little bit, sister dear-
    I think its a dumb idea because what if some stalker decides to find out your family's address or something? anyway it comes with all the dangers the internet brings...

  3. No family blogging or reality show stuff is terrible. End of story

    1. do you mean "No. family blogging (blah blah blah)" or "No family blogging (blah blah blah)"?

    2. goodness gracious child you need to work on ur grammar

    3. Hey! I am THE grammar police!! It's this stupid keyboard with sticky keys...

    4. use a wipe or something to clean the keyboard.

    5. No like they stick. They won't go down all the way and stuf

    6. ah, that sucks. sounds like our piano. XDD sometimes middle C goes down but won't come back up.
      btw how did you get so good at writing?

  4. I don't mind the idea of family blogging as long as 1) everyone—and I do mean EVERYONE—in the family is ok with it and 2) the stuff on your blog is absolutely true and you are being honest with the viewers.

    As for Jo's point about stalkers, that is legitimate, but it applies to any blog, website, social media, or any other Internet space where you store information. So honestly, I don't see that as a big issue. Keeping my money in an online banking account (which I don't actually, but I'm using it as an example) is just as risky at family blogging in the area of personal information.

  5. I am ok with family blogging as long as the other family members are ok with it. My mom used to have a blog, so I think it is ok, too. I am neutral about this topic. Now I worry about stalkers and weird people on the internet.

  6. not me just now seeing this... honsetly i dont really have a opinion on this one...i feel like both partys have their pros and cons (like picking a president these days)... which makes me wonder if there really is a right side to the madness.. as with all content thses days its hard to know if someone is being honset or not... so anyway i guess im down for family blogging as long as you discuss and pray over the pros and cons


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