Staying Connected with God — Daily Controversy #39

Salutations, loyal arguers!

Welcome or welcome back to this week’s controversy! My name is Abby, and I am currently a guest writer here on the Controversial Book Club. 

“How often should Christians read the Bible and pray?”

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Personally, reading my bible on a regular basis is something I struggle with a lot. For me it is extremely difficult to consciously sit down and just read my Bible. Of course, there is no way you can go wrong with reading your Bible. The main problem (for me at least) is sitting still and spending thoughtful time with the Lord.

Praying, on the other hand, I don’t struggle with all that much. I find it relatively easy to reach out to God and just have a conversation with Him about how my day is going, or thank Him for the beautiful sunset, or beg Him for help in a difficult situation. However, I know that not everyone feels the same as I do about these things.

What the Bible Says

The Bible doesn’t have an explicit command to read your Bible (or none that I could find). This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t read your Bible. I absolutely think you should, even if you find it difficult. 

If you struggle with reading the Bible consistently, like I do, my advice would be to set aside a specific time with it. Maybe read a chapter of Luke before bed, or right when you wake up. Building habits can help you deepen your understanding of the Gospel and also to grow closer to God. 

Regarding prayer, the Bible does tell us many times to spend thoughtful time in prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 commands us to “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Praying doesn’t have to be a huge fancy act. Just talk to God in your head. It may feel a little silly, but He hears it. 

Final Thoughts

Reading your Bible and praying can be a way of connecting with God. It is always a good thing to read your Bible, even if you don’t feel like it, and prayer should become a part of your daily routine. However, it is important not to turn these into things to check off of a list of “Christian Chores.” They become chores when our heart is not in the action of reading the bible or praying and we feel like we just have to get it done so we can move on with our day. 

It can be very easy to slip into this mindset, and I know I have in the past. However, being aware of this and doing your best to read your Bible and pray willingly will help a lot.

Thank you all for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments down below. 

~ Abby ♥️


  1. Reading the Bible and praying each day is important. I know that when I forget, or I rush through, my day goes a whole lot worse. I get cranky and emotional and feel like I can't get anything done.

    But you're right about it becoming a chore. Often it can feel like we just try to do it to get it over with, rather than thanking the time to spend time with God in fellowship. We need to be careful about what our mindset is when reading our Bible and praying.

    One more thing: from what we read in the Bibble, although it doesn't explicitly state it, it seems like the correct thing is to spend time in the Bible and in prayer each day. When it talks about people in their devotional life, it talks about it as a daily thing. Daniel prayed three times a da. Jesus went out to pray as was his custom.

  2. I always read the Bible for homework.

  3. I agree with Mel on this one. It's very important to dedicate at least a fraction of your day to reading God's Word and praying to Him. The Bible says to rejoice in the Lord, cast all our cares and anxieties on Him, and to thank Him for what He has done. It only becomes a chore if you make it seem like one. Whenever you pray, remember that you are talking to God Himself and that He can hear and listens intently. Whenever you read the Bible, even if you don't find the chapter you're reading particularly fascinating, keep in mind that it is the living Word of God and that every chapter in the Bible has a message for you straight from God. So even if you think you are way too busy to read the Bible and pray every single day, at least try. God appreciates that.


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