Weekly Verse — 1 Thessalonians 5:16

 “Rejoice always,”

1 Thessalonians 5:16 ESV

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord,

This is a difficult instruction for me to follow. It’s hard to find something that brings me joy in this fallen world. I look around me and become overwhelmed by the troubles and strife I see all around. When I begin to give in to the bleakness of the sin surrounding me, remind me that I do indeed have much to rejoice about: You have given me joy by the sacrifice of Your Son. I can now have a hope for eternal life because Jesus came and took my place on the cross. I can rejoice, because I know that one day I will be with You in Heaven! Lord, I rejoice because You have given me a bright future and a hope. When the troubles overwhelm me, I can still rejoice because You have never left my side, and You have promised that You never will. Thank You Jesus!


Image: By Arto Marttinen on Unsplash

— Melody❤


  1. Thanks for such timely words and the neat thing is they will always be timely words!


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