God's Tools Of Truth (Part 2)— Weekly Devotional

 G'morning Controversial Readers!

Welcome back y'all! My name is Melody Polar, and today I am bringing y'all the second half of the truth miniseries! If you missed the first half or need a refresher, you can find that post here.

In the first installment of this miniseries, I listed three fundamental truths of Christianity, truths that the world does not want to acknowledge. In this devotional, I will list some ways to hold fast to these truths in a world that attacks the beliefs we hold as Christians. 

  1. Know Your Bible

The first step to holding fast to the truth is to learn the truth. All of the truths that are foundational to our faith can be found in the Bible. By reading the Bible, we learn the truth, and we also learn why we need to know it.

Psalm 119:11 says:

“I have stored up Your Word in my heart,

that I might not sin against You.”

So by studying the Bible and storing it in our hearts, we learn how to abide within God's will and not sin against Him. We also learn what is the truth, and by knowing this truth we can: 

“Test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.”

1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

Knowing our Bible and the truths it contains enables us to discern the difference between good and evil in our world today. It is the strong foundation to our faith.

  1. Pray For Wisdom

Prayer is an awesome weapon. When we use it, we can ask God for His guidance. In the Lord's Prayer, a prayer Jesus gave as an example for us, Jesus gives us an example of praying for guidance:

“Lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil.”

Matthew 6:13

  1. Listen To The Holy Spirit

People in the world have a conscience, but we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us. And the Holy Spirit teaches us the truth:

“And I (Jesus) will ask My Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. You know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”

John 14:16-17

“When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth”

John 16:13

God has given us many tools to find the truth and hold fast to it in this world full of lies. You can always turn to Him in prayer, always turn to His Word, always listen to the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord that we can know His truth!

Let's Pray: 

Dear Lord,

Thank You so much for giving us these tools to help us know Your will! Thank You for revealing Your truth to us through the Bible! Thank You for listening to our prayers! And thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to teach us truth! Please help me be faithful to Your truth, holding fast to it in this sinful world. And please give me the courage to share these truths with others.

    In Jesus Name,


Related Songs:

The Bible Stands — Ron Hamilton

The Lord's Prayer — Wintley Phipps

Image: Tool Set on Plank · Free Stock Photo (pexels.com)

   —   Melody❤


  1. Mel, you hit the nail on the head in this miniseries on truth!! Our only standard of truth should be God's Word, which never changes. Culture changes and people change, but God's Word doesn't change. May God give us Christians the courage to always stand on the truths of God's Word!!

  2. Thank you, Melody! You really don't understand how important this is for me right now. I'm entering into the army very soon, which is composed of 16% girls and there's a lot of bad things that could happen as a result of that small percentage. I don't want my faith to waver just because I'm in a nonChristian environment.

  3. Wonderful devotion ! God has blessed me throughout my life in he correction of misconceptions I had in my mind. I have lived long enough to see the positive effect His truth has had on my life and in the lives of others. Sadly those who have chosen not to live by this truth have also been examples of what can happen as well. I pray all will find the joy in following God’s truth.


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